Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Ah, Christmas Eve, perhaps the very best day of the year, full of that giddy pre-adolescent anticipation that somehow transcends both age and all the ways the past 363 days have, in one way or another, disappointed you. Blessed Christmas spirit.

To accompany my best holiday wishes, to friends and family, allow me to share with you a shot from my neighborhood, all decked out with snow and holly and Christmas cheer. Why look! It's the Johnson boys, skating on the newly frozen pond down by Snowflake Cove. (Careful, boys! The ice is thin.) And there, Eddie Todd and Lizzy Jo, the young lovers skating arm in arm. I hear they'll be announcing their engagement any day now. (Stay warm, you two! Frostbite eats the toes first!)

Oh, here comes Old Man Eli with his chaise and four. That's his son and grandson behind him, and it looks like the Lovejoy family in the back. They must be on their way to deliver presents and sing carols in KandyKane Trailer Park. That Old Man Eli is our very own St. Nick, despite his rheumatism, dementia, and atheism. God bless you, Old Man Eli.

And it looks like Ma has just stepped out into the snow to feed the hens. Eat up, ladies! We ate our last turkey a month ago, so guess who's on the menu tomorrow?

Ooh, over there! You can only just see him, there, lurking behind the house. It's Hobo Joe! Ha ha, not THIS year, Hobo Joe! You'll have to find a different garage to keep warm in this Christmas.

So Merry Christmas from all of us, here is downtown South Poleville. May the next year be even better than last.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Last night, at midnight, I drove home on streets damp with rain. This morning, I pull open my front door and see this. Beautiful, isn't it? You can see the pattern of the door in the snow. I'm guessing it's about seven or eight inches, some of it probably snow drift as opposed to snowfall, but in any case, I don't think I'll be able to leave the house today.

I'm not complaining, just yet. Yesterday was the last day of classes. Going into finals week, I've finished most of my writing, a good deal of grading, and I think I could use a day in the apartment to relax and maybe clean the bathroom. I have a hankering for cider and a book to curl up with that is unrelated to schoolwork. I have a movie from Netflix waiting to be watched.

A week from now, however, I want the roads clear and the sky blue. I want to make it home for Christmas, for my birthday, and weather has a lot to do with whether or not that happens. So go ahead, skies: SNOW! Do your worst today, tomorrow! And then, take a break. Rest. Store your energies and wait until I'm safely away. I'd appreciate it, immensely.