But Autumn is inching into the room, a little shyly, a little afraid to make eye contact, but we are all noticing. We don't say anything, of course, even to each other, in case she overhears and gets embarrassed by the attention and leaves. We don't approach Autumn either; she's easily frightened off. But we are glad she accepted the invitation.
She has a way about her that's cool and soothing. Her mere presence changes the atmosphere in any room. She isn't here for more than two minutes before she begins to affect Summer, who is trying her darndest to ignore Autumn. Summer has been bragging loudly about herself for months. She one of those loud, flashy types that demands everyone's attention the moment she arrives. She's fun, don't get me wrong, but the kind of fun you can only take for so long before she starts getting under your skin. We keep hinting at her that it's time she move on, but it isn't until Autumn shows up that Summer takes any steps toward the door. She knows Autumn is prettier--all that fiery red hair, those subtle amber eyes, those adorable purple and dark-green scarves--and gets jealous easily. Then Summer throws her little tantrums and rains for a good week or more before stomping out the door.
This always embarrasses Autumn, but if we don't look directly at her, she'll stay for a while longer. She'll move her way quietly around the room, flashes of orange here, golden yellows there, streaks of burning red. When she passes right behind you, you get these whiffs of potpourri. She's like a bouquet of chrysanthemums. And when she walks right in front of you, you get these delightful little shivers running across your skin that make you want to pull on a jacket and build a fire in the hearth.
But like Frost says, nothing gold can stay. Winter is always late, but she never fails to show. Grumpy as always. And Autumn, who had a disagreement with Winter years ago (no one knows the full story), bows her head and before you can beg her to stay, she's out the door.